BoosterSeat  0.1
A C++ library that includes common utilities that are used in other projects.
BoosterSeat Directory Reference


file  clock.hpp [code]
file  exception.hpp [code]
file  filesystem.hpp [code]
file  filters.hpp [code]
file  geo.hpp [code]
 A collection of structures for representing geographic data.
file  geo_strings.hpp [code]
 For use with geo.hpp, gives ya strings.
file  math.hpp [code]
 Contains general math functions/constants.
file  numbers.hpp [code]
file  process.hpp [code]
 A class to handle linux process calls.
file  random.hpp [code]
 The BoosterSeat random module.
file  rolling_average.hpp [code]
file  science.hpp [code]
 BoosterSeat science module.
file  sleep.hpp [code]
file  stopwatch.hpp [code]
 BoosterSeat Stopwatch class declaration.
file  string_formatting.hpp [code]
file  string_utils.hpp [code]
file  template_tools.hpp [code]
file  time.hpp [code]
file  timer.hpp [code]